Widget arguments array (only inside widgets). A side effect simply means that the evaluation of the expression modifies some state. See the .includes() method for its replacement. The SugarCUBE Ultra is a higher performance replacement for the Quad. UIBar API. Added to the active passage's container element, Added to the active passage's container element and. Returns the given code string, and optional data chunk, wrapped within the JSON deserialization revive wrapper. If you plan on using interactive macros within a loop you will likely need to use the. Does not modify the original. May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. Several State API methods have moved to the new Engine API. This method will not return "code" passagesi.e., script, stylesheet, and widget passages. Not to be confused with actual cubes of sugar that they resemble (which also exist in the Happens before the end of passage navigation. Returns a new array consisting of the flattened source array. Warning: A variable is a bit of storage where you may stash a value for later use. In SugarCube, they come in two types: story variables and temporary variables. Story variables are a part of the story history and exist for the lifetime of a playthrough session. Temporary variables do not become part of the story history and only exist for the lifetime If multiple passage titles are given, returns the lowest count (which can be -1). May be called either with the passage name or with a link markup. Silently executes its contents when the incoming passage is done rendering and has been added to the page. The StoryInit special passage is normally the best place to set up groups. Used for pre-story-start initialization tasks, like variable initialization (happens at the beginning of story initialization). The story menu only displays linksspecifically, anything that creates an anchor element (). Activates the moment at the given index within the full state history and show it. Thus, a call to UIBar.stow() may also be necessary. Create a save, then edit the code as follows: Running that, you'll see $x is 0 and $y is 1. When used to set the mute state, returns a reference to the current AudioList instance for chaining. Returns the topmost (most recent) moment from the full in-play history (past + future). Used to replace SugarCube's default UI. This should not be done lightly if your audio sources are on the network, as it forces players to begin downloading them. Note: Returns the number of milliseconds that have passed since the current passage was rendered to the page. See Engine API for more information. Sets the starting passage, the very first passage that will be displayed. The text of a container macro parsed into discrete payload objects by tag. The capitalization and punctuation used within the default replacement strings is deliberate, especially within the error and warning strings. Creates a single-use link that deactivates itself and appends its contents to its link text when clicked. Instead, use the metadata property. Thanks a lot for providing this macro! Warning: Returns a reference to the Dialog object for chaining. Deprecated: The Fullscreen API comes with some built-in limitations: Returns the current fullscreen element or, if fullscreen mode is not active, null. Note: You should virtually never need to use the verbatim HTML markup. Error <