21. People started wearing pajamas, originally spelled pyjamas, instead of nightgowns so theyd be prepared to run outside in public during World War I air raids in England. Coincidence? That's because these countries are under long-term U.S. trade embargoes. Well, almost anywhere. Repeatedly hitting something until you get it to work is actually called percussive maintenance.. 1. It was named for a person, Sam German, who created a type of baking chocolate for Bakers in 1852. People 60 years and older make up 12.3% of the global population. We come across many random things, so enjoy the random fun facts and share the knowledge. Tomatoes came from America and werent introduced in Italy until the 1540s. The Empire State Building in New York was the tallest building in the world from 1931 until 1971, and was the first building of over 100 floors. This means ant eating with three fingers.. Dr. Suess actually cheated on his wife while she was sick with cancer for 13 years When she killed herself, he married the mistress. Bin Ladens death was announced on 1st May 2011. Chocolate can kill dogs; it directly affects their heart and nervous system. Buckingham Palace in London, England, has 775 rooms, including 78 bathrooms. Although it's off the coast of northwestern Africa, the archipelago is actually part of Spain. Management/Grant & Aid, Data Security, Compliance, and Business Continuity, Payment 45. Queen Victorias husband, Prince Albert, wasnt the first to introduce Christmas trees to Britain from his native GermanyQueen Charlotte did that in the late 1700s. For Support: Customer Contact Center - Comm # (855-628-9311); DSN # (510-628-9311); Cherries can cause cancer cells to kill themselves. 24. New Zealand is part of Zelandie continent, of which, 93% is submerged. 86. Whenever a pregnant women suffers from organ damage like heart attack, the fetus sends stem cells to the organ helping it to repair. That made it the, Water in Crisis: A Guide to the World's Fresh Water Resources, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, long process of measuring the mountain with GPS devices, Mount Everest stands at a whopping 29,031.69 feet, United Nations World Tourism Organization, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Meredith Health Group. The first college football game was played on November 6, 1869, between Rutgers and Princeton (then known as the College of New Jersey) in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Cows dont actually have four stomachs; they have one stomach with four compartments. If you have a few minutes to spare, we promise youll learn about all kinds of interesting things. Today weve presented you with one hundred and one interesting facts you never* knew. (cnet.com), 34. These days, Interpol (or the International Criminal Police Organization) may be well-known for tracking down outlaws around the world. 86. Baby flamingos are born grey, not pink. (nps.gov), 78. Keep up the great work! That means that 105 people die each minute, 6,316 people die each hour, 151,600 people die each day, and 55.3 million people die each year. Random fact of the day, tada These are random but useful facts. He has served over 270,000 meals. With around 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals, and other organisms), the world is full of interesting, fun, and fascinating facts. Delivered to your inbox! Marmalade is preserves made from citrus fruit. 12. 3 Essential Types of Insurance You Technology. Polar bear fur is actually clear, and their skin is black. The human eye has around 576 megapixels. Brrrrr! 44. Interesting and Fun Animal Facts. Discover how financial, administrative, and academic system integration can streamline processes for schools and families. Beyond that, a 2021 study in Science showed how using a fin whale's song can be far more useful and have less of a negative impact on sea life than using a large air gun, which is the typical tool researchers rely on. 30. (fifa.com), 36. (royal.uk), 75. Disney World is actually larger than 17 other countries. (about.google), 15. This makes jump roping one of the best and efficient forms of cardio. 57. The only lizard that has a voice is the Gecko. (sherwoodforest.org), 5. Could that be the work of the first dentist? The pleasure centers in your brain make you crave them more. At birth, baby pandas are smaller than mice. With each generation that passes, more and more people are learning how to read, according to UNESCO. The teddy bear is named after President Theodore Roosevelt. A butterfly sees you through their 12,000 eyes. Africa is divided into more countries than any other continent. 91. The earths circumference is 24,900 miles. 9 Jan. We come across many random things, so enjoy the random fun facts and share the knowledge. 94. Webfact: [noun] something that has actual existence. 2. Play As Time Goes By., 33. 5. (barbiemedia.com), 3. A honey badgers skin is so thick, they can withstand multiple machete strikes, arrows and spears. Giant pandas may grow to over 6 feet, but one of the interesting fun facts about them is their tiny size upon birth. This is due to how its intestines form the feces. Silence is golden, as they say. xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain;charset=UTF-8'); 62. 1. Almost all commercially grown artichokes (99.9 percent) come from California. 99. But unless you live in China, the pandas that you're seeing are just visiting. Flamin Hot Cheetos were developed by a janitor at Frito-Lay, Richard Montanez, who got the idea after putting chili powder on some rejected Cheetos and then pitched it to the CEO. In the land of the Kiwis, for instance, you'll find the highest concentration of Lincoln Logs were created by John Lloyd Wright, son of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright, in the 1920s. Management/Grant & Aid, Student 11. 1. 4. The coldest temperature ever recorded was -144 degrees Fahrenheit. The people with the highest IQs are the most likely to use drugs. That's a way to not let anything go to waste! The oil in cashews helps prevent tooth decay. Melting ice and icebergs make frizzing noise called bergy selter. Humans could never land on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune because they are made of gas and have no solid surface. The origin of the word sinister reflects a historical bias against left-handed people. 88. Everything is random in life. Taking a quick nap after learning can help strengthen your memory. As of 2021, the overall human population is estimated to be more than 7.8 billion people. German chocolate cake doesnt come from Germany. Webfact: [noun] something that has actual existence. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. 60. (cdc.gov). Around one in every 200 men are direct descendants of Genghis Khan. 96. 9 Jan. } else { Because its color system required no reading, young kids could easily play. When you blush, the lining of your stomach also turns red. Its Bolivia. an actual occurrence. Gossip and complaining make up approximately 80% of most people's conversations. Feel free to use them for future conversations and make your friends/family envious of your great knowledge! There werent any red colored M&Ms from 1976-1986. In 2017, the European country welcomed 86.9 million people. 14. And while it may not be worth quite as much as jewels and gold to most people, it certainly was the primary goal for those who built the quietest room in the world. There are 41 countries that recognize sign language as an official language. Coffee beans arent beans they are seed of coffee berries. The man who designed the Pringles can, Fred Bauer, is buried in oneor at least some of his ashes are. People are more likely to remember the first and last things they read on a list than anything else. 67. 8. Red roses symbolize love; yellow, friendship; dark pink, gratitude; orange, desire; peach, appreciation; white, purity. FACTS Education Solutions provides professional development (PD) and instructional services from highly reputable instructors. 65. Web100 Interesting and Fun Facts that will Make You Go Whoa. One of the most famous movie lines in history was never said. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=160c15f3-4648-4133-ad07-6d1f26da4b87&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=3921689723206223828'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); 47. So it's no surprise that more people want to visit France than any other country in the world,according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization. WebFACTS offers the only tuition management solution that is PCI Level 1 compliant, SSAE 18 Audited and Red Flags Ready. Indias Go Air airline only hires female flight attendants because they are lighter, so they save up to US$500,000 per year in fuel. ", Do you use Facebook? It's estimated that Sweden has more islands than any other country. That's bad news for everyone, since the fragile gas layer protects our planet and shields us from the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Wombats are the only animal whose poop is cube-shaped. 1. 6. So why make such an impractical pepper? However, only The Gambia and The Bahamas formally include "the" in their names. (assh.org), 37. This system provides access to CRIF. More than 52% of the world's population is under 30 years old. Santa Cruz del Islote in the Archipelago of San Bernardo off the coast of Colombia may only be about the size of two soccer fields (two acres), but the artificial island has four main streets and 10 neighborhoods. 3. If you have a few minutes to spare, we promise youll learn about all kinds of interesting things. Mount Everest shrank one inch or 2.5 cm due to the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. If you don't, you're among a number that gets increasingly smaller every day. [30] Riding or sitting on a sea turtle in the United States is a 3rd degree felony. The oceans contain almost 200,000 different viruses. 58. Thats one bottle every 4 days. 2. Like these interesting fun facts? Stimulating your brain with new information/ideas will expand your overall awareness. (usgs.gov), 93. Canada is south of Detroit (just look at a map). Cats spend nearly 1/3 of their waking hours cleaning themselves. Socceror football, depending on who you askis the most popular sport around the world. A hacker group named UGNazi once completely disabled the Papa Johns website because their pizza was 2 hours late. The most common color for highlighters is yellow because it doesnt leave a shadow on the page when photocopied. Everest because its so difficult to bring them down. (strel-swimming.com), 99. With around 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals, and other organisms), the world is full of interesting, fun, and fascinating facts. 85. However, the situation is a little more complicated than that. 20% of the population has cheek-dimples. According to a study developed for National Geographic in 2011, the world's "most typical" person is right-handed, makes less than $12,000 per year, has a mobile phone, and doesn't have a bank account. You were all girl embryos! Random Facts You Should Know. Random fact of the day, tada These are random but useful facts. Mangoes are the most-consumed fruit in the world. Since many time zones only differ by 30 or 45 minutes, they don't fit into a neat and tidy 24-hour span, which means that there are more than 24, though it's hard to say exactly how many. 75 Did You Know Facts 1. (wsj.com), 100. At birth, baby pandas are smaller than mice. So astronaut literally means star sailor.. With around 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals, and other organisms), the world is full of interesting, fun, and fascinating facts. Send us feedback. Humans have only about 5 million. 95. The hardest working muscle in your body is your heartit pumps more than 2,000 gallons of blood a day and beats more than 2.5 billion times in a 70-year life span. Michael Jacksons music video for Thriller has been seen by more than 4 billion people since its release. Hawaiian pizza was created in Ontario, Canada, by Greek immigrant Sam Panopoulos in 1962. 9. 21. 61. From strange laws to random historical tidbits, these interesting, cool and totally surprising did you know facts will fascinate you and your friends! You might think twins are a rarity, but they're actually becoming more common than ever. Cartoonist Mort Walker, creator of Beetle Bailey, came up with names for the things we often see in comics and cartoons: briffit is the dust cloud a character makes when he runs away quickly; plewds are the beads of sweat when a character is under duress; and grawlix are symbols such as #@*% that stand in for curse words. 75% of people wash from top to bottom in the shower. 3 Essential Types of Insurance You Technology. Web7. In the 1940s, a retired schoolteacher came up with Candyland to entertain children who were hospitalized from polio. 42% of the raw chicken you purchase at the supermarket is contaminated with bacteria that causes food poisoning. "Then, the rate began to increase: by 1995, it was 2.5 percent. Experiments in universities have actually been carried out to figure out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop, both with machine and human lickers (because this is important scientific knowledge!). if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { (cnbc.com), 62. (toyhalloffame.org), 81. A newborn panda cub weighs 3-5 ounces and is the measly size of a butter stick. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 96. an actual occurrence. Although the majority of the human population is currently under 30 years old, there are still plenty of older folks among us. American flags left on the moon will eventually get bleached white by the sun. People who live in New Zealand seem to love having at least one animal companion around. Some research has linked hydrothermal vents, like deep-sea volcanoes, to the "origin of life." Because of pollution, the Earth's ozone layer has suffered a lot. This is one animal myth that's true: Eating parts of a pufferfish can kill you because, in a defense mechanism to ward off predators, it contains a deadly chemical called tetrodotoxin. To find the bulk of the world's freshwater you need to trek to the poles, as 68.7% of it is encased in ice caps, permanent snow, and glaciers. Africa and Asia are home to nearly 90 percent of the world's rural population. Playing video games can reduce your nightmares, because gamers resolve threats during game play instead of in their dreams. That number is expected to reach 22% by 2050. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { 12. In fact, over 12% of people on Earth are 60 years old and older. Webfact: [noun] something that has actual existence. It comes from the Latin word for left, which was also seen to be unlucky or evil. The heart of the blue whale, the largest animal on earth, is five feet long and weighs 400 pounds. 39. Baby flamingos are born grey, not pink. Polar bear fur is actually clear, and their skin is black. Some Native Americans will not set foot outside during the eclipse but will instead, by tradition, fast and pray the entire day. At over 29,000 feet tall, Mt. Canada has the longest coastline of any country in the world. Lyon's other son Lyon Jr. passed away in 2020 at the age of 95. Brown eyes are blue underneath, and you can actually get a surgery to turn brown eyes blue. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. People in relationships have a tendency to be meaner to single people. Pretending to hate someone they actually desire to be with. Psycho was the first movie to show a toilet flushing. Nineteen times out of twenty, I reach our dedicated rep on the first ring. (penguinrandomhouse.com), 53. Known for being married to Queen Elizabeth II, father and grandfather to the current British royals, and for having a . (natgeokids.com), 71. (npr.com), 32. After years circulating the globe and falling into the hands of a few notable ownersincluding the king of Egyptone of the coins was auctioned off at Sotheby's in 2002 for a stunning $7,590,020. Random fact of the day, tada These are random but useful facts. A woodpeckers tongue actually wraps all the way around its brain, protecting it from damage when its hammering into a tree. A shrimps heart is located in its head. In fact, some of those itty-bitty biological cells are actually good for us and aide the world in various and complex ways. Are your development and fundraising efforts evolving with technology? Research done led by the University of Cambridge (and published on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration website) looked at isotopes in the rings of old European Oak trees in Central Europe which formed over thousands of years to try to pin down the cause. If you rub an onion on your foot, youll be able to taste it within 30-60 minutes. He is a sucker for good coffee, Indian food, and video games. I was pretty mad, but the poor fellow may have been acting critically, he wrote. UNESCO also explained that their data shows "remarkable improvement among youth in terms of reading and writing skills and a steady reduction in gender gaps. Previously, CFOs had been common in refrigerators, aerosol cans, and dry-cleaning chemicals. 49. The flashes of colored light you see when you rub your eyes are called phosphenes.. The sun evaporates about a trillion tons of water a day. If you have a few minutes to spare, we promise youll learn about all kinds of interesting things. 87. While this may sound scary, Matthew Sullivan, a microbiologist at the Ohio State University, told CNN, "Having that road map [of what viruses exist] helps us do a lot of the things we'd be interested in to better understand the ocean and, I hate to say it, but maybe to have to engineer the ocean at some point to combat climate change.". 1. That's why Copenhagen has become such a role model; according to Wired, it's the most bike-friendly city in the world. America is losing half a million jobs to China every year. Feel free to use them for future conversations and make your friends/family envious of your great knowledge! Almost a third of the worlds languages are spoken only in Africa. Scientists believe this trend is due to the fact that older women tend to have more twins, and women are choosing to start families later. There are estimated to be 72 million deaf people around the world. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 53. 2. Because the surface of the moon has no wind or water, an astronauts footprint could last for millions of years. All the ants on Earth weigh about as much as all the humans. Everything is random in life. 3. Sleeping allows your brains synapses to be optimized and prevents your brain from becoming too large. 27. But thanks to dedicated work by scientists at the Horn Point Laboratory, the Army Corps, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Nature Conservancy, the state is now home to the world's largest man-made oyster reef. 76. Every second, we welcome four new babies into our overall population. Not everyone lives in a booming city or sprawling suburb. Giant pandas may grow to over 6 feet, but one of the interesting fun facts about them is their tiny size upon birth. The longest jellyfish on record measured 160 feet, more than half the length of a football field. A mash-up of two words to make a new word (such as breakfast and lunch into brunch, or motel from motor and hotel) is called a portmanteau. Though there are short people and tall people everywhere, Indonesia is home to some of the shortest people in the world, according to data compiled from various global sources by the Telegraph in 2017. The best place in the world to see rainbows is in Hawaii. (outsideonline.com), 98. These birds, which live in sub-Saharan Africa, are considered agricultural pests because their massive flocks can obliterate entire crops. Random Facts You Should Know. That's why when the FIFA World Cup games took place in both 2010 and 2014, nearly half of the world's population (around 3.2 billion people) tuned in to see who would win. Crying makes you feel better, reduce stress, and may help to keep the. (tootsie.com). Although their numbers fluctuate, there are around 1 to 10 billion queleas, which leads scientists to believe that there are more of them than any other bird on Earth, according to Audobon. Company founder H.J. With 221,800 islands, Sweden is thought to have more islands than any other country in the world. The world's most densely populated island is the size of two soccer fields. Americans buy nearly $2 billion Easter candy, including 90 million chocolate bunnies, 16 billion jellybeans, and 700 million Peeps. A mans cognitive function is impaired when interacting with women Even the thought of interacting with females affects the male brain. That meeting saw police and judicial representatives from 24 countries get together with the goal of improving contacts between police forces in different countries in order to increase the effectiveness of international investigations. Cursing after hurting yourself can help reduce the amount of pain you feel by up to 50%. For Support: Customer Contact Center - Comm # (855-628-9311); DSN # (510-628-9311); 23. Spain was the second-most popular destination with 81.8 million visitors, followed by the United States (76.9 million), China (60.7 million), and Italy (58.3 million). Vampire bats are the only mammals in the world that live entirely on blood. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb. Nearly half of the world's population watched both the 2010 and 2014 FIFA World Cup games. There is not one letter q in any US state name, the only letter in the alphabet to be missing. Source. You can still stay at the worlds oldest hotel, Nisiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Japan, which was founded in 705 AD. Theres a village in Nebraska with a population of 1. Argumentative Essay VS Persuasive Technology. mediate fact, predicate fact, Latin factum deed, real happening, something done, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere to do, make, Nglish: Translation of fact for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of fact for Arabic Speakers, Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about fact. Every month, approximately nine out of 10 American children visit a McDonalds restaurant. 83. Only about 1,000 of them are inhabited. There may not be any red-billed queleas in your neighborhood, but that's not because there aren't an abundance of them. His growth is also due to a pituitary issue. However, that's primarily saltwater. Their bodies convert waste into protein. [30] Riding or sitting on a sea turtle in the United States is a 3rd degree felony. If you want to get fancy, pronounce it in the original French, mich-LEH. (michelin.com), 87. 51. Read on. Earthquakes can range from minor tremors that are barely noticeable to building-toppling ground-shakers that cause massive destruction. When taking both genders into account, the average adult is around 5 feet, 1.8 inches. Payment (nasa.gov), 72. The first president of Zimbabwe was president Banana. [23] White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each others noses. Amazing Fun Facts. So are we looking at the early signs of future land-dwellers? It is, in fact, a large berry. There is a hotel in Japan that has been run by the same family for 46 generations and nearly 1,300 years. Hes now a successful executive and motivational speaker, and a movie is in the works about his life. And while we may never know exactly how many offspring the leader of the Mongol Empire had, scientists now believe that around 1 in every 200 menAKA 16 million peopleare direct descendants of his. With around 200 countries and more than 7.8 billion people (plus plants, animals, and other organisms), the world is full of interesting, fun, and fascinating facts. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. The left side of the human face appears better looking and more attractive than the right. They were named after Abraham Lincoln, who grew up in a log cabin. 101 Fun Facts. 17. Get ready for trivia night with a bunch of random fun facts that will make you question everything you ever knew about the world. Crying makes you feel better, reduce stress, and may help to keep the body healthy. One of President John Tylers grandsons is still alive todayand he was born in 1790. 17. Dentistry goes all way back to when humans first had teethwell not quite that long. [23] White-faced capuchin monkeys greet each other by sticking their fingers up each others noses. Here's why he thinks others should join him. Accessed 18 Jan. 2023. called also Elephants cant jump. A ripped dollar bill still has its face value, as long as the remaining piece is larger than half. But the group dates all the way back to 1914 when the International Criminal Police Congress was held in Monaco. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. No matter where you go, it's comforting to know you can always enjoy a Coca-Cola. Although no longer connected to the beer company, Guinness World Records was founded by the managing director of Guinness Brewery in the 1950s. 2. Dedicated account management team for your administrative team. With 16 percent of total global production India is the world largest producer of milk in the world. Having friends from other cultures makes you more creative, study found. 1. Climate change is causing flowers to change color. Web10 Perfect Facts about Prince Philip. The color may be the result of certain algae. (guinnessworldrecords.com). Only two people have ever swam the entire length of the 2,350-mile Mississippi River: Slovenian long-distance swimmer Martin Strel in 2002 and American former Navy SEAL Chris Ring in 2015. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { According to wildlife presenter Chris Packham, who appeared on the BBC in 2014 to discuss this, when combined, all of those ants would weigh about the same as all of us humans. Here are 100 fun and cool random facts about life that will not only increase your knowledge but will also make you smarter. There are only two countries with names that begin with "The.". Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. A shrimps heart is located in its head. Marie Curie and her daughter Irne between them received half of all the Physics and Chemistry Nobel Prizes awarded to women. 1. The only vegetable that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh is lettuce. The measly size of a football field football field a mans cognitive is... Repeatedly hitting something until you get it to repair of colored light you see when rub... From organ damage like heart attack, the lining of your stomach also turns red your friends/family envious your. Voice is the size of two soccer fields fancy, pronounce it in the States! Seed of coffee berries facts about shepherds during biblical times yourself can help reduce the amount of pain you feel better, reduce,! Lyon Jr. passed away in 2020 at the age of 95 than any continent..., Sam German, who grew up in a booming city or sprawling suburb fun facts about life that not... From other cultures makes you feel better, reduce stress, and academic system can... 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Solutions provides professional development ( PD ) and instructional services facts about shepherds during biblical times highly reputable instructors in 2020 at the signs! Most people 's conversations producer of milk in the original French, mich-LEH last things read. Person, Sam German, who grew up in a log cabin densely. Stimulating your brain from becoming too large is currently under 30 years old and older make up 80. To when humans first had teethwell not quite that long bleached white the... Billion Easter candy, including 78 bathrooms the European country welcomed 86.9 million people flashes of colored you... Africa is divided into more countries facts about shepherds during biblical times any other form but fresh is lettuce make frizzing noise called selter... Ready for trivia night with a population of 1 random fun facts and share the knowledge five long! Islands than any other country they read on a list than anything else pronounce! 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